That is excellent C-3PO, a great result for Frogman3.
HI Garry yes C-3PO has done a fantastic job on makein this gun fire sound an gun flash unit
an im lookin forward to working out how to fit it into tiger but from what i see it should go in ok
its that the wirein is goin to be rather long as to start the main power will come from the PDU unit then off up to the knock on switches then back through the hull jiont on heavy duty wires to the gun fire unit an where im hopein to place the unit it will be directly below the spk so them wires will only be about a foot long + an - to an from the speaker
an then from the gun unit the power for the gun flash will leave the unit an go with wires right down to nr the ships stern then back up an through the hull jiont again an then to the main plug system that leads to the LED'S in the guns an then back down via the negative an again through the hull jiont to the negative in the gun fire unit
so i think i have it all covered on the wirein but if not then i may have to fit another plug system in the hull jiont hope not but its doable but i will be doin
some exspermenting with the unit firstly before i try an fit the unit in the hull but i think that about covers it hope this is understanable to you Garry
ATB to you an hope I/D is comin on ok