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Author Topic: Polish Navy MTB S10  (Read 1437 times)


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Polish Navy MTB S10
« on: April 18, 2020, 04:25:55 pm »

  It was many years ago that I read the storey of the above in the book by Hugh Edwards titled "Midnight trader"

synopsis. A factual account of a period in the authors life when he was a smuggler in the Mediterranean. Not drugs. Just cigarettes and whisky and occasionally people.Reads like a novel. Tells the story of how he bought an ex navy Motor Torpedo Boat, (he was ex navy himself) which at the time was the fastest smuggling boat in the Med.Being chased by the customs. Riding out a particularly fierce gale, all written in a very easy style. Published in 1959 but don't let that put you off.

To put things in order the boat in question was the Polish Navy MTB S10 . Built by Whites at Cowes which after serving through the conflict was used in the filming of "The Ship That Died of Shame".  After laying up for some while the S10 was re named Taifun by Edwards and re engined with 3 Packard marines. Their followed a rumbustious tale of smuggling and other nefarious activities in the Med until the boat was caught up in the Suez affair and sunk.

  I finally nailed a copy of the book and will await it's arrival   Along the way I chanced upon this website which shows the S10 and other Polish boats in service

  One of the boats still exists at Shoreham harbour as a houseboat

And everyone thought it was IVAN who was terrible
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