My best wishes with you. My Mum's still going through it also with some cock-ups 2 weeks ago including her PICC line coming out for a week which put us out of kilter but meh 'tis what it is (the home nurses have been pretty bad to be honest, unqualified even we found since). I can only empathise with you as I'm doing as much support for my Mother. If it's any help to you keep eating and I've been pumping fruit and veg in to her at least twice a day. Her skin broke out so have been out for Aveeno (seems a common problem and available on prescription) and Piriton amongst others. We had bloods last week that apparently said it was going the best it could -but she's whacked out after a week's break. Can't fight the fatigue, she sleeps uncontrollably half of the afternoon. Take care of your hands! That's one thing she's having major sensitivity in and can't go near anything cold anywhere. Her fingers don't work properly and nails / fingertips are sore so look after them I guess.
You've only been in it a couple of weeks, hopefully you'll be like us and find things improve after a few treatments. I hope my comments spur you on as I watch your thread with pain but hope it works out for you. My thoughts are with you!