Hello, Im sure readers of this post maybe bored of such askings, I have searched for a while to find my answers, but cannot find them.. Im sure they are there but either way i shall post.
I am getting quite close to the point of painting my Bulk carrier, I am using HALFORDS rattle cans, The ship has had red primer all over so far, this will be the final colour of the bottom of the ship, the second colour for the top will be a dark grey, like Oldendorff carriers grey or as close as poss in the HALFORDS range.
So as not to balls it up, when I come to mask the waterline, Im planning on using Tamiya 6mm masking tape, the base coat already applied is going to be the bottom colour as mentioned, when you have two colours and its layered up do you get a high and low spot between colours after the masking is taken off?
If so is it a case of wet and dry sand, or will this damage the line?
I guess what I need, is a step by step guide from the primer stage to the final coat of clear satin? How do you guys do it?
When using HALFORDS only sray paints?
Many thanks for such a useful forum.. has been a useful tool for my first build..