Thanks for the reply. It is a multi turn drum servo. the problem arose when checking the boat over before going to the lake. It was always necessary to give it a bit of "exercise", just a few rotations back and forth, then it was fine and never overshot with no load. Pictures now available in my first msg.
You said
erratic and I expect a drum servo set to 4 turns to overshoot then oscillate without the dampening reduced by the lack of mechanical resistance. I expect it to oscillate ten times greater in angle than does a high stall, unloaded quarter turn servo with the same timing component values.
This is what I mean by overshoot.
linkIt would possibly take a video to convince me it has a faulty pot without you doing a resistance meter check on the pot.
You just measure resistance of the pot wiper to one end as you physically turn over it's range. I've done this, replaced pots and motors, and a fault in the pot is obvious in a resistance test.